
Welcome to ncRNA-eQTL

Numerous studies indicate that ncRNAs have critical functions across biological processes, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) could contribute to diseases or traits through influencing ncRNA expression. However, the associations between SNPs and ncRNA expressions are largely unknown. ncRNA-eQTL aims to comprehensively provide ncRNA related cis-eQTLs (SNPs affect local ncRNA gene expression) and trans-eQTLs (SNPs affect distant ncRNA gene expression) in different cancer types of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We have identified 6,045,445 and 715,952 eQTL−gene pairs at FDR < 0.05 in 33 cancer types in cis-eQTL and trans-eQTL analysis, respectively. To prioritize promising ncRNA-eQTLs, we identified ncRNA-eQTLs associated with patient survival times (survival-eQTLs) and located in GWAS linkage disequilibrium (LD) regions (GWAS-eQTLs). In survival-eQTL, we identified 8,235 eQTLs associated with patient overall survival times, and in GWAS-eQTL, we identified 1,709,372 eQTLs that overlap with GWAS linkage disequilibrium (LD) regions.
ncRNAs in ncRNA-eQTL database includes lncRNAs (expression profiles obtained from RNA-seq) and miRNAs (expression profiles obtained from miRNA-seq). microRNA related eQTLs can be found at miRNA home.

Users can do:

          Browse or search ncRNA-eQTLs across different cancer types
          Browse or search ncRNA-eQTLs associated with patient overall survival times across different cancer types
          Browse or search ncRNA-eQTLs in GWAS linkage disequilibrium (LD) regions
          Download figures and all ncRNA-eQTL results


         ncRNA-eQTL: a database to systematically evaluate the effects of SNPs on non-coding RNA expression across cancer types.
         Jiang Li, Yawen Xue, Muhammad Talal Amin, Yanbo Yang, Jiajun Yang, Wen Zhang, Wenqian Yang, Xiaohui Niu, Hong-Yu Zhang, Jing Gong*. Nucleic Acids Research.(2019)

e.g. SNP "rs11902447", Gene "NACA3P"
