Cis-eQTLs across different cancer types
In cis-eQTL, we identified 87,833 eQTL−gene pairs at FDR < 0.05 in 33 cancer types for users to search or browse.
This page displays cancer type, SNP ID: Reference id from dbSNP,
SNP Position: The position of SNP including chromosme,
Alleles: SNP alleles,
Gene Position : Strand: Gene genomic position including chromosome, gene region and strand,
r: The correlation coefficient,
Beta: Effect size of SNP on gene expression (calculated by linear regression using a computationally efficient eQTL analysis called Matrix eQTL),
P-value: P-value calculated by Matrix eQTL,
Display: Provide diagram of boxplot to display the association between SNP genotypes and gene expression.